Princ Hohenlohe pojede olympijský závod v obleku

Sport Hubertus von Hohenlohe, Sport
28. 1. 2014 11:55
Podívejte se na novou kombinézu Huberta von Hohenlohe, který bude na olympiádě v Soči reprezentovat Mexiko.
Podívejte se na novou kombinézu Huberta von Hohenlohe, který bude na olympiádě v Soči reprezentovat Mexiko.
Podívejte se na novou kombinézu Huberta von Hohenlohe, který bude na olympiádě v Soči reprezentovat Mexiko. | Foto: Hubertus von Hohenlohe

Praha - Brzy pětapadesátiletý mexický princ Hubertus von Hohenlohe se chystá do Soči už na svoji pátou olympiádu, a protože patrně bude jeho poslední, rozhodl se rozloučit ve velkém stylu.

Zkušený sjezdař, který se zúčastnil prvního závodu světového poháru už v roce 1981, tedy před 33 lety, totiž pojede olympijské závody v kombinéze, která imituje tradiční mexický oblek "Mariači".

"Dokud jsem nezačal točit svůj dokument v Mexiku, netušil jsem, jak úžasný je to národ. Tak mnou jeho historie pohnula, že jsem se rozhodl jejich identitu oslavit svým vlastním způsobem," uvedl Hohenlohe.

“Until I went to Mexico recently to make a documentary, I never realized what a beautiful, amazing, rich past and culture they have and what a proud people they are,” he said. “It actually moved me to see how much they suffered and how much they fought for what they have. The power to have your own identity is so strong and something I believe in so I want to give it a go in a very cool, elegant way. I want  to celebrate who they are, but of course in my own style.” - See more at:
“Until I went to Mexico recently to make a documentary, I never realized what a beautiful, amazing, rich past and culture they have and what a proud people they are,” he said. “It actually moved me to see how much they suffered and how much they fought for what they have. The power to have your own identity is so strong and something I believe in so I want to give it a go in a very cool, elegant way. I want  to celebrate who they are, but of course in my own style.” - See more at:
“Until I went to Mexico recently to make a documentary, I never realized what a beautiful, amazing, rich past and culture they have and what a proud people they are,” he said. “It actually moved me to see how much they suffered and how much they fought for what they have. The power to have your own identity is so strong and something I believe in so I want to give it a go in a very cool, elegant way. I want  to celebrate who they are, but of course in my own style.” - See more at:
“Until I went to Mexico recently to make a documentary, I never realized what a beautiful, amazing, rich past and culture they have and what a proud people they are,” he said. “It actually moved me to see how much they suffered and how much they fought for what they have. The power to have your own identity is so strong and something I believe in so I want to give it a go in a very cool, elegant way. I want  to celebrate who they are, but of course in my own style.” - See more at:

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